Saturday, August 25, 2007


There will be no more holes drilled in the Crandall Canyon Mine. With the sixth hole showing no sign of life, or the oxygen levels to sustain life, this is the last attempt and papers have been filed to permanently seal the mine.

Meanwhile, seven people died in a coal mine gas explosion in Northern China
. This too, like the Crandall mine, was in a marginal dig that should not have been excavated.

181 people are still waiting for rescue,after a week, in a flooded mine in eastern China.

My religious preferences tend toward the agnostic, but I think it is appropriate to send out, in some shape or form to whatever god/desses exist , an angry wish for vengeance on the greedy bastards who run these mines and kill off workers like old rust parts. And send sorrow and hope for the families in their grief.

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Friday, August 24, 2007


John Couey, the killer who raped and buried alive 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford in 2005, has received the death penalty. He will die by lethal injection.

I suppose, if you have read my posts on this blog before, you might think I am a bleeding heart liberal. Ordinarily, I would have my doubts about the effectiveness of the death penalty and not advise that it continue. In this case, where the perp raped the girl and then buried her alive until she suffocated in the grave, I think there has to be justice. Sometimes, evil cannot be rid of without final measures like the death penalty. I see in such a case as the Lunsford murder, the perp is no longer human when he killed an innocent child in such a horrible manner. He does not deserve any sympathy as a human since he did not act in a human(e) manner to a child.

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Friday, August 17, 2007


In the event of something happening to me,
there is something I would like you all to see.
It's just a photograph of someone that I knew...

New York Mining Disaster 1941
The BeeGees

Three mine rescue workers
, at the Crandall Canyon Mine in Utah, died in a cave-in. Six rescue workers were injured. There is no word about the six men who have been trapped in the mine for nine days.

The mine company, Murray Energy Corporation, according to news reports, was running a
marginal operation where, to eck out the last scab of coal, they used a dangerous mining practice known as "retreat mining". This type of mining is dangerous because the workers use coal as shaft props and remove these supports through mining of the coal pillars as they retreat out of the mine. Despite these concerns, the Mine Safety and Health Administration signed off on the Crandall Canyon mine's safety.

In another mining story, three construction workers were killed at an Indiana coal mine on August 10

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In the event of something happening to me,
there is something I would like you all to see.
It's just a photograph of someone that I knew...

New York Mining Disaster 1941
The BeeGees

Three mine rescue workers
, at the Crandall Canyon Mine in Utah, died in a cave-in. There is no word about the six men who have been trapped in the mine for nine days.

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