Tuesday, January 24, 2006


The common claim of pro-life advocates is that child abuse rates go up when abortion is freely available. However, that is not statistically true. Abortion rates are going down but child fatalities due to abuse are going up. More sadly, abortion rates are going up among poor women because of increasing child and general poverty rates.

These are not the soundbites you hear on the daily news about Roe vs. Wade but what needs to be noted.  Abortion shouldn’t be the issue but the increasing hopelessness of the American economy should be apparent to anyone who sees these tragic statistics of people without health care, without jobs, and without hope.

The focus should not be on whether or not abortion is legal but how the United States will respond to an economy that is becoming quicksand for so many women, children, and men. The problem of unplanned pregnancies won’t be solved by limiting abortion rights but by creating a country with a more equitable standard of living for each and every citizen at every stage of life.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I agree wholeheartedly that the pro-life movement needs to address the reasons so many woman choose not to enter motherhood.
To quote former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau (R.I.P.) "The state doesn't belong in the bedrooms of the public".
Since the mid-80's all woman have had the choice to avoid motherhood without prosecution, but only the priviledged have had the opportunity to choose motherhood with hope and faith that life for themself and their unborn child offers a future with promise and opportunities to enjoy the standard and quality that the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms subscribes.
The political montra of the womens rights movement back in the 80's
was "I am personally pro-life but I don't have the right to impose my views on others".
I say to all of you who profess to be "personally pro-life" put your money where your mouth is and make our society one that values and reveeres motherhood and alievate the desperation so many women feel when they must make that irreversable choice to bring a child into the world...or not.